Car cigarette lighter
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
May 15, 2024 ·  4 min read

If You’re a Millenial, I Bet You Won’t Pass This Quiz

Calling all millennials! Think you’ve got what it takes to ace this quiz? Test your knowledge, challenge your friends, and see if you can claim the title of ultimate millennial guru. But be warned: this quiz isn’t for the faint of heart. Are you ready to prove your generational prowess?

1. Where did this come from?

Can tag
Image Credits:

A. It’s the zipper on a jacket.
B. It’s used to dice vegetables.
C. It’s from a can.
D. It’s from an old grenade.

2. These used to be found in every car. What were they for?

Car lighter
Image Credits: Getty

A. Powering the radio.
B. Lighting cigarettes.
C. Working the AC.
D. Starting the engine manually.

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3. What did these do?

Cinema reels
Image Credits:

A. Played music.
B. Showed pictures.
C. Were used as Frisbees.
D. Were old-fashioned sunglasses.

4. What would you use this for?

Window roller
Image Credits: Twitter: @KingJamesofDfs

A. To recline in a chair.
B. To loosen a screw.
C. To shift a car into a different gear.
D. To open a window.

5. What’s this?

Drive-in speakers
Image Credits: Twitter: @olddriver55

A. A public 911 telephone.
B. Drive-in speakers.
C. Walkie-talkies.
D. A school intercom system.

6. What were these dividers used for?

Image Credits:

A. Public newspapers.
B. Arcade games.
C. Telephones.
D. That’s a men’s room.

7. What did this do?

Car part
Image Credits: Twitter: @EuroCarParts

A. It operated the window wipers.
B. It popped open the gas tank.
C. It popped open the trunk.
D. It brightened the headlights.

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8. What are these?

Camera film
Image Credits: Twitter: @Mr_Mike_Clarke

A. Film for a camera.
B. Tiny cellphones.
C. Tape for an audio recorder.
D. A camera battery.

9. And this?

Ice cube tray
Image Credits:

A. A meat tenderizer.
B. An ice cube tray.
C. A Jello cube mold.
D. A radio antenna.

10. What’s this thing?

8-track player
Image Credits:

A. That’s what car batteries looked like.
B. An 8-track player.
C. An old cigarette case holder.
D. That added a scent to the AC air.

11. What’s this?

Old credit card reader
Image Credits: Twitter: @novarlynx

A. Part of a car door.
B. An old hole-puncher.
C. A credit card reader.
D. A precision paper slicer.

12. What’s this thing?

Image Credits:

A. A dish rack.
B. A portable heater.
C. A toaster.
D. A napkin holder.

13. And what’s this thing?

Can opener
Image Credits:

A. A nail remover.
B. A pistachio sheller.
C. A coconut opener.
D. A can opener.

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14. What is this?

Can opener
Image Credits:

A. A car key.
B. A can opener.
C. A tongue depressor.
D. An eyelash curler.

15. What’s inside this case?

Sewing machine
Image Credits: Twitter: @fras99

A. An accordion.
B. A kitchen mixer.
C. An old radio.
D. A sewing machine.

16. What’s the relationship of the first item to the second?

A. Propped up the needle.
B. Removed blemishes from the record.
C. Spun on top of the record.
D. Stopped the record from skipping.

17. What did this do?

TV Remote
Image Credits:

A. Turned lights on and off.
B. Controlled the temperature in the house.
C. Controlled the TV.
D. Changed the volume on a record player.

18. What are these?

Image Credits: Twitter: @no_silenced

A. Reusable ice cubes.
B. Magnetic toy blocks.
C. Flashbulbs.
D. Batteries.

19. What’s this?

Food processor
Image Credits:

A. A wind-up food processor.
B. An apple corer.
C. A pineapple corer.
D. A jar opener.

20. And finally…do you know what this is?

Cap gun ammo
Image Credits: Buzzfeed

A. Measuring tape.
B. Birth control.
C. Cap gun ammo.
D. Candy tape.


Woman in Black Shirt Leaning on Brown Wooden Table
Credit: Pexels

1. It’s from a can
2. Lighting Cigarettes
3. Showed Pictures
4. To open a window
5. Drive-in speakers
6. Telephones
7. It brightened the headlights
8. Film for a camera
9. Ice-cube Tray
10. An 8-track player
11. A credit card reader
12. A toaster
13. Can opener
14. A can opener
15. A sewing machine
16. Stopped the record from skipping
17. Controlled the TV
18. Flashbulbs
19. A jar opener
20. Cap Gun ammo

So how many did you get correct? Let us know in the comments below!

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