Illustration of Noah's Ark
Sean Cate
Sean Cate
August 3, 2024 ·  4 min read

10 Bible Stories That Might Get Some Christians To Question Their Faith

The Bible and its stories are a profound source of faith and moral guidance for many. However, some stories within its pages raise challenging ethical questions that can cause believers to reflect deeply on the nature of justice, fairness, and divine command. Here are ten such stories that might prompt some Christians to question their faith.

1. The Story of Job (Job 1-42)

man leaninng back on his money
Credit: Pixabay

Job, a righteous man, faces intense suffering as part of a divine test. He loses his children, wealth, and health. This story raises deep questions about the nature of suffering and divine justice. Why does God allow a good person to endure so much pain? It makes us wonder about the reasons behind human suffering and faith.1

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2. Jephthah’s Vow (Judges 11:29-40)

Person holding their own head on a platter
Credit: Pixabay

Jephthah makes a rash vow to sacrifice the first thing that greets him upon his return home in exchange for victory in battle. Tragically, his daughter, his only child, comes out to meet him. Despite the horror, he follows through with his vow. Bible stories challenge us to consider the ethics of making and keeping such extreme promises and the value of human life versus honoring a vow.

3. The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)

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God decides to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their extreme wickedness. Only Lot and his family are spared after much pleading. However, Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of salt for looking back. This story questions the morality of punishing entire populations and whether such absolute punishment is justifiable.

4. The Plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-12)

pyramid of Egypt
Credit: Pixabay

Moses, with God’s backing, brings ten devastating plagues upon Egypt to force Pharaoh to release the Israelites. These plagues, from turning water into blood to the death of the firstborns, cause immense suffering. This prompts questions about the justice of making ordinary Egyptians, especially innocent children, suffer for Pharaoh’s stubbornness. With Bible stories, there is usually a sense of fairness to God’s judgment, but not here. Why did God choose such extreme measures?

5. The Levite’s Concubine (Judges 19-21)

concubine facing forward
Credit: Pixabay

A concubine is brutally assaulted and left for dead by a group of men. Her husband dismembers her body and sends the parts to the twelve tribes of Israel, sparking a civil war. This gruesome tale raises profound ethical questions about violence, gender-based abuse, and the collective response to such atrocities. How should justice be pursued in the face of such horror?

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6. The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

Credit: Pixabay

Noah builds an ark to save his family and pairs of animals while God floods the Earth, wiping out nearly all life due to human wickedness. Of all Bible stories, this one raises tough questions about divine justice. Is it fair for an all-powerful being to destroy almost all life? What about the innocent children and animals caught in this catastrophe?

7. The Violation of Tamar (2 Samuel 13)

closeup woman bruised and in tears
Credit: Pixabay

Tamar, a daughter of King David, is assaulted and violated by her half-brother Amnon. Afterward, she’s shamed and left desolate, with no real justice served. This story exposes the harsh realities of gender-based violence and the failure of the justice system within the biblical narrative. It forces us to question how women were treated and the implications for justice and protection in society.

8. The Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22)

man with blindfold on
Credit: Pexels

The story of Abraham being commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac is one of the most heart-wrenching tests of faith in any of the Bible Stories. Abraham prepares to comply, raising his knife, but God stops him at the last moment. This raises significant ethical dilemmas: How can it be just for God to ask a father to kill his own child, even as a test? What does this say about Abraham’s blind obedience? Would you do the same?

9. The Command to Annihilate the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18, Joshua 6)

town completely destroyed
Credit: Pixabay

God instructs the Israelites to completely destroy the Canaanite nations, including men, women, children, and animals, as they take over the Promised Land. This disturbing command raises ethical questions about genocide and the morality of wiping out entire populations. Can a loving and just God ask for such violence?

10. The Stoning of Achan (Joshua 7)

rocks on the ground
Credit: Pexels

After Achan secretly takes forbidden items during the conquest of Jericho, God’s anger causes Israel to lose a battle. When Achan’s sin is discovered, he and his entire family are stoned to death. This story raises questions about collective punishment and whether the severity of divine retribution is justifiable. It makes us wonder whether it’s fair for Achan’s family to suffer for his actions.

These stories from the Bible present ethical dilemmas and moral challenges that encourage deep reflection and debate. They highlight the complexities of divine commands and human actions, prompting believers to consider the broader implications of their faith.

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  1. Bible Gateway