depiction of a horned Satan in fire and hell environment
Chantel Brink
Chantel Brink
July 27, 2024 ·  4 min read

Veteran Who Removed Satan Statue Wants Americans to Embrace Jesus

In December 2023, Michael Cassidy, a former Republican candidate for Mississippi’s state House of Representatives, made headlines with a bold act that left many divided. Upon entering the Iowa State Capitol, Cassidy was taken aback by the presence of a Satan statue of Baphomet. This winged goat-headed figure is associated with the Satanic Temple. The Lauderdale resident’s reaction was swift and decisive, leading to a series of events that would ignite a national conversation.

Encounter with Baphomet, the ‘Satan Statue’

The Satan statue Cassidy tore down
Image Credit: The Satanic Temple Iowa Facebook

Baphomet, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is a “deity” once associated with the Knights Templar and later embraced by various occult and mystical writers. The statue’s presence in a public space during the holiday season struck a nerve with Cassidy. “Nobody was there, and it offended me. It touched a nerve. It was, you know, righteous indignation,” Cassidy told Fox News. Acting on impulse, he decapitated the statue and disposed of its head in a garbage bag.

Confrontation and Citation

Rather than fleeing the scene, Cassidy, a self-described "Christian conservative," approached security
Image Credit: CBN News YouTube

Rather than fleeing the scene, Cassidy, a self-described “Christian conservative,” approached security with the satan statue’s head and received a citation in return. “I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy explained to the Des Moines Register. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so, I acted.”

The Satanic Temple’s Response To The Vandalism of Their Satan Statue

Mortimer Adramelech, a minister with the Satanic Temple of Iowa, expressed his dismay at the incident, emphasizing the group's constitutional rights.
Image Credit: TwentyFiveAlpha X

Mortimer Adramelech, a minister with the Satanic Temple of Iowa, expressed his dismay at the incident, emphasizing the group’s constitutional rights. “All religions have equal rights in the public forum under the First Amendment of the Constitution. As Americans, we have every right to be here just like anyone else,” Adramelech told NBC affiliate WHO of Des Moines. The Iowa Department of Administrative Services confirmed that the Satanic Temple met all application requirements for their display.

Legal Repercussions

Initially, Cassidy faced serious legal consequences.
Image Credit: Michael Cassidy X

Initially, Cassidy faced serious legal consequences. He was charged with third-degree criminal mischief, a D felony under Iowa’s hate crime statutes, for intentionally damaging the Satanic Temple’s property. The state’s attorney’s office cited Cassidy’s statements to law enforcement and the public as evidence of his motive based on religious discrimination. However, by May 2024, the felony charges were dropped, and Cassidy was instead fined, avoiding jail time. He marked this outcome with a defiant tweet: “Not today, Satan.”

Public Reactions

Michael Cassidy, the man who tore down the satan statue
Image Credit: CBN News YouTube

Public opinion on Cassidy’s actions was sharply divided. Some condemned the act as a hate crime, likening it to defacing a synagogue with a swastika. One commenter on the Satanic Temple’s Facebook page argued, “This conduct needs to be prosecuted as a hate crime, and since he crossed state lines with the intention to commit his crime, Federal hate crime charges should be handed down as well.” Others saw Cassidy as a hypocrite for his stance on religious liberty, while some praised him for his bold stance against what they viewed as a symbol of evil.

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Support and Criticism

The satan statue torn down by Cassidy
Image Credit: Michael Cassidy X

Cassidy also garnered significant support from those who shared his views. “I admire this man for tearing it down. It is time for us to take a stand against these kinds of symbols. Bravo sir…May you be exonerated and walk away a free citizen,” wrote one supporter. Another expressed confusion over why the legislature allowed the statue’s display, suggesting that Christians in the state should have protested the installation. A third supporter pledged solidarity, stating, “If he goes to jail or gets fined, us as Christians should unite and help our brother.”

Cassidy’s Call to Embrace Jesus

Michael Cassidy, the man who tore down the satan statue
Image Credit: CBN News YouTube

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Cassidy reflected on the mixed reactions he received. “I’ve received both positive and negative feedback, which has been quite remarkable. Some anonymous voices have applauded my firm stance against Satanism, recognizing the degradation in our society. That, in itself, has been heartening.” However, he also acknowledged the backlash from Satanists and their sympathizers, describing the hate mail and online trolling he endured.

A Message of Faith

A response to Cassidy's post on X about the Satan statue
Image Credit: JenWorldWell | X

Despite the controversy, Cassidy remained steadfast in his mission to promote Christian values. “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. This should be the central message. It’s disheartening to witness a desire to expose children to such darkness,” he emphasized. His actions and the ensuing debate underscore a broader societal struggle over the presence of religious symbols in public spaces and the interpretation of religious liberty in America.

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  1. Veteran who beheaded Satan statue urges Americans to embrace JesusNewsNer. Himani Ediriweera. June 27, 2024.
  2. Man who destroyed Satanic Temple altar in Iowa charged under hate crime lawNBC News. Phil Helsel. January 31, 2024.
  3. Former congressional candidate charged with vandalizing Satanic Temple display at Iowa CapitolDM Register. Kim Norvell. December 15, 2023.