The Amazing Times
The Amazing Times
June 25, 2024 ·  2 min read

Some Friendly Advice – Don’t Wear Ripped Jeans In The Sunshine

Unless you want to look like you sat on the barbecue.

Summer is here again in the UK (well, sort of) and it’s time to start going back outside again after many long months of hibernation.

The last Bank Holiday was a record breaking one for temperatures, and it looks a bit like the next May Bank Holiday could be a scorcher as well. Good news for fans of beers and barbecues.

However, whilst everyone likes to look good in the sunshine, it’s worth taking the advised precautions if you’re going to be sitting in the sun all day.


I mean, stay hydrated – that shouldn’t be too difficult, but also wear sunscreen. Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 2018 – wear sunscreen.

Also, for a more specific piece of advice, don’t wear ripped jeans and then sit directly in the line of the sun, because not only will you end up getting sunburnt, you’ll also look like a right dick.

Sadly, it’s too late for some people, and they’ve already learned the hard way. The combination of ripped jeans and UV rays makes you look like some sort of bizarre human zebra, but with bright red legs.

It seems obvious, but a look around on the internet proves that an awful lot of people didn’t think about it, and managed to get themselves burned. Not just burned, like, really, really burned.

We could sit here and debate the issues surrounding whether you should be wearing ripped jeans in the sun anyway.

Denim of any kind is going to heat up and make you feel massively uncomfortable, that’s before we arrive at the fact that after an hour unprotected from the rays you’ll look like you’ve been grilled on a barbecue like a piece of chicken.

But if you must, just put some sunscreen on before you go out. At the very least, put it on the bits of your legs that are going to be exposed.

This advice might come in handy sooner than you think. It’s been pretty hot already this week, but the second May Bank Holiday weekend is looking like it’s going to be very warm indeed.


According to the Met Office, it could get up around the 30-degree mark in some places across the UK.

Your best chance of enjoying that weekend in the beer garden lies within a liberal dose of sun cream, and probably a pair of shorts.

We all want a tan, but nobody wants to look like the human crab.

Remember the best thing to do is embrace your natural skin this Summer. Visit

Written by: Tom Wood.

This article was originally published on LADBible.