Jade Small
Jade Small
October 22, 2024 ·  2 min read

This Teacher’s “Brilliant” Coffee Cart Idea Helped Students With Special Needs

Shelby Winder, a special education teacher at Grand Oaks High School in Texas, has taken an innovative approach to teaching her Life Skills class. This program supports students with cognitive impairments and adaptive disabilities, and Shelby’s fresh idea is capturing the attention of both her colleagues and parents.

Turning a Simple Cart Into a Big Opportunity

In an effort to empower her students, Shelby came up with the idea of creating a traveling coffee cart. Her goal was to provide a meaningful experience that would extend beyond the classroom. Her colleague, Chris Field, shared on social media that Shelby bought everything needed for her students to start their own coffee business, which they named “The Grizzly Bean.”

Building Skills With Every Coffee Order

Every Friday, the students take orders from staff members, prepare the coffee, and deliver it around the school. This project is about more than just coffee; it teaches social skills, builds confidence, and offers a hands-on experience with basic business concepts like managing expenses and profits. Shelby’s students are thriving with this new responsibility.

A Self-Funded Dream That’s Spreading

Even more inspiring, Shelby funded the project herself, covering the costs of a first-year teacher’s salary. The school later reimbursed her and encouraged her to continue thinking big. Now, Shelby hopes to use some of the profits to help other schools start similar programs, with each one “paying it forward.”

Paying it Forward

Shelby’s vision for “The Grizzly Bean” is spreading, and the hope is to see it inspire schools across the country. It’s a small idea with big heart, helping students gain skills that will last far beyond their school years. As her colleague Chris put it, “How cool is that?!”

A Lasting Impact Beyond the Classroom

Shelby’s coffee cart project is more than just an educational tool—it’s a testament to the power of creativity and dedication in teaching. By blending life skills with real-world experience, she is giving her students the confidence to interact with others and manage practical tasks. This small venture is creating a ripple effect that could inspire schools nationwide, proving that even the simplest ideas can lead to long-lasting change.

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