In the world we live in today, every little aspect is documented on the internet. Every social media platform is filled with videos of humans doing things- some humorous, some dangerous, while others plainly ridiculous. In such a situation, it is seen that people are prone to assumptions based on first impressions- rather than actually delving into the topic to see what’s actually the situation. This has led to people putting up disclaimers in certain videos where they mention that things aren’t as bad as we might think them to be.

Recently, a woman almost came under fire when she uploaded a video of her child in a car. She wrote that she had left her kid in the car while she was out at Target, shopping. Now anyone who has ever been to Target would know that time seems to pass really quickly inside that store. We might have gone to purchase a singular item, when we come across so many varied choices that we don’t know what to buy. We would spend hours poring over and time would go by in an instant- but outside time will run at its usual speed.
So, when the woman wrote that her baby was in the car and she was at Target, she had to immediately sign a disclaimer that the baby was completely alright. Needless to say, the post went viral quite immediately and already has a million views and close to a thousand comments.
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Baby Left in Car- Or Is It Her Husband?
The reel focuses on a handwritten sign that has been taped to the windshield of a car. The sign reads, “My baby is OK. He has his snacks and a drink! I’m in Target. Be back soon!” At first glance, this seems like a disaster about to happen. We have all read stories about babies left in hot cars, and what it resulted in. People were gearing up to lambast the woman for her negligence when things took a turn for the better. When the camera pans toward the ‘baby’ in the car, we realize it isn’t actually a baby, but the woman’s husband. Engle, the woman who posted it wrote, “Please no judgment. He is safe & well.” The husband was quite chilled- sitting in the car and eating snacks while his wife shopped- a perfect scenario.
Since the misconception was finally cleared, viewers could see the humor in the situation. A woman responded, “For a second I was about to get really upset … I was not expecting that.” Another individual stated, “My heart dropped and then I LMAO.” A third user went on to comment, “It’s so much easier to leave them in the car.” Some of the viewers couldn’t control their laughter, as the video was genuinely funny.
Engle, the poster, is quite adept at realizing what her followers seek from her Instagram. Her 114k followers usually see her posting humorous skits about family life, parenting, and marriage- which others relate to heavily. She is also a mother of three children- so she can understand the issues and make them relatable and fun. Sometimes she also brings in her husband- which definitely adds to the video.
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