Jade Small
Jade Small
December 20, 2024 ·  2 min read

10 House Guest Mistakes to Avoid

Visiting someone’s home is a privilege that comes with unspoken rules. While your host wants you to feel comfortable, there are boundaries to respect. Etiquette experts share the most common missteps guests make and how to avoid them.

Touching Things Without Permission

a cozy scene where someone is relaxing with a warm beverage.
Christopher Ames / Getty Images/iStockphoto

A host’s invitation to “make yourself at home” isn’t a license to explore their personal space. Avoid opening the fridge, moving furniture, or handling items without asking first. If you’re curious about something, politely request permission.

Snooping in Private Spaces

pills in an orange container
Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Curiosity might tempt you to peek into cabinets or drawers, but it’s a big no-no. Etiquette experts warn that some hosts even set traps, like marbles in the medicine cabinet, to catch nosy guests. Respect boundaries and stay out of private spaces.

Ignoring Shoe Rules

Every home has its own shoe etiquette. Pay attention to your host’s preferences and follow their lead. If they prefer shoes off, bring socks or slippers to stay comfortable while respecting their space.

Showing Up Empty-Handed

person standing at the door with the bouquet of flowers and bottle of wine sets a warm, welcoming scene.
Luis Alvarez via Getty Images

Never arrive at someone’s home without a small gift to show your appreciation. A bottle of wine, flowers, or a box of chocolates is a thoughtful gesture that won’t go unnoticed.

Feeding the Pets

Small yellow dog sitting by the table and waiting for food
Kerkez / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Sneaking table scraps to your host’s dog may seem harmless, but it could cause issues. The pet might have allergies or dietary restrictions, so always ask before offering food.

Demanding a House Tour

Expecting a host to give you a full tour of their home is intrusive. If they don’t offer, don’t ask or take it upon yourself to wander around. Appreciate the spaces they share with you.

Overstaying Your Welcome

three people near an open door
Fg Trade / Getty Images

Pay attention to signs that the gathering is winding down. If your host changes into pajamas or starts cleaning up, it’s time to leave. Lingering too long can make things awkward.

Hiding a Mess

Accidents happen, but it’s better to own up than to hide the evidence. Whether you’ve spilled wine or broken something, let your host know immediately and offer to help fix the situation.

Interfering with the Setup

Switching place cards at a dinner party or rearranging furniture is disrespectful to the host’s efforts. Appreciate their arrangements and go along with their plans.

Waiting to Mention Dietary Restrictions

If you have food allergies or restrictions, share them with your host well in advance of the meal. Springing this information on them at the table is inconsiderate and leaves them unprepared.

Conclusion: Be a Gracious Guest

Being a good house guest is about respecting boundaries and showing gratitude. Follow these simple tips to ensure you leave a positive impression and maintain great relationships with your hosts.

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